
We protect nature
Here And Now Africa


We are inspired by the millions of people who have taken a steps towards conserving our planet resources. We follow the same framework as stated in the sustainable development goal No.15, which aims to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”.




Here and Now Africa wants to introduce our guests to environmental programs that aims to empower community development and sustainable use of natural resources. Our goal is to get our guest to experience conservation at first sight. Conservation means the management of taking care of and preserving natural resources for present and future generations. It involves preserving species diversity, genetic diversity, ecosystem diversity, and environmental services including nutrient cycling.

Our programs aims at providing travellers with the best wildlife experience while engaging in conservation efforts, and education our guests about the environmental stewardship. Join us and be part of team as we explore Africa and it’s beauty in our world while conserving its precious resources